
Sunset in the Sky

Title IX Process Flow Chart


Outline of Title IX Flow Chart

  • Complainant Files a Report
    • Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator determines if policy applies. Discuss supportive measures and resources.
    • If Title IX Policy does not apply, one or more of the following may occur:
      • Complaint dismissed; both complainant & responded notified
      • Complainant is referred to another department (e.g. Human Resources, Student Life)
    • If Title IX Policy applies, there are two resolution processes:
      • Informal Resolution
        • Title IX Coordinator will determine if an informal resolution process is appropriate & notify both parties.
        • Note: Title IX Coordinator, Complainant & Respondent must all agree on the resolution method for Informal Resolution. The Informal Resolution process will not be used to resolve an allegation of sexual assault or allegation that a non-student employee sexually harassed a student.
      • Formal Resolution
        • The Title IX Coordinator will determine if a formal resolution process is appropriate, notify both parties about policy and procedures, and determine if interim measures are applicable.
          • Title IX Coordinator will open an investigation and appoint an investigator who will interview the complainant, respondent, and any appropriate witnesses.
            • An initial report will be created. The Complainant & Respondent will be given an opportunity to review the investigation report and provide/submit additional comments.
            • Hearing procedure will commence. The hearing will provide an opportunity for the Complainant & Respondent to present their testimony. The parties may have an advisor of their choice during the hearing.
            •  The hearing officer will determine if the policy has been violated and consult with an appropriate Uni. official with disciplinary authority over the Respondent who will determine any discipline to be imposed.
            • The Title IX Coordinator will communicate a Notice of Outcome with investigative findings, any sanctioning imposed & information about the appeals process to the parties involved.